Provision of Service for Traffic Impact Assessment at Lok Ma Chau Control Point
Project Description: A traffic control system involving operation of drop-arm barriers is to be installed at private car / goods vehicle booths of Lok Ma Chau Control Point (“LMCCP”). Since installation of the traffic control system will involve modifications of the existing booth infrastructure as well as the Customs clearance workflow at vehicular booths, OZZO…
Proposed Automatic Parking System at Junction of Hoi Wang Road / Lai Cheung Road
Project Description: Ozzo has been commissioned to undertake a Traffic Assessment Study and prepare a set of technical drawings in supporting the upgrading works of the existing public car park on Government Land at the intersection of Hoi Wang Road and Lai Cheung Road. The current car park will be expanded to include mechanized vehicle parking…
Feasibility Study for Sassoon Road Campus Expansion for the University of Hong Kong
Project Description: The University of Hong Kong (HKU) intend to expand the Sassoon Road Campus to cater for an increase of medical and nursing students in the next decade. Ozzo is commissioned to undertake a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) Study to assess the traffic impact to be induced by the proposed development on the road…
Section 16 Application for the Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park in Kam Tin
Project Description: Ozzo is undertaking the Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) Study to evaluate the potential traffic impact to be induced by the proposed vehicle park on the external road network in the vicinity of the subject site and to advise on the internal traffic and pedestrian arrangement. Project: Section 16 Application for the Proposed Temporary Public…