Project Description: Ozzo was commissioned to undertake a traffic study for the Shatin to Central Link (SCL) for the MTR Corporation. The purpose of the traffic study was to assess the traffic impact that construction could cause on the road network surrounding the construction site which included the Hung Hom North Approach Tunnels and Admiralty South Overrun Tunnel. Ozzo was also asked to prepare a temporary traffic management scheme and a temporary impact arrangement for the Ma On Shan Line, Hin Keng Station and Diamond Hill Station. Furthermore, Ozzo was an independent traffic consultant for Contract Nos. 1101 & 1152.
Contract No. 1111, Shatin to Central Link – Hung Hom North Approach Tunnels
Contract No. 1103, Shatin to Central Link – Hin Keng to Diamond Hill tunnels and Fung Tak Public Transport Interchange
Contract No. 1101 & 1152, Shatin to Central Link – Modification of Ma On Shan Line & Signalling System for SCL Phase 1 and Signalling Modification for MOL and WRL
Contract No. 1120, Shatin to Central Link – Trackwork and Overhead Lines for SCL Phase I
Contract No. 1102, Shatin to Central Link – Hin Keng Station and Approach Structures
Contract No. 1101, Shatin to Central Link – Modification of Ma On Shan Line
Contract No. 1122, Shatin to Central Link – Admiralty South Overrun Tunnel
Contract No. 1106, Shatin to Central Link – Diamond Hill Station Extension
Project Type: Traffic Impact Arrangement, Temporary Traffic Management, Traffic Impact Assessment & Independent Traffic Consultant
Project Year: 2013-2018
Ultimate Client: MTR Corporation